Monday, August 27, 2007

Give me a fag any day

We want to buy a car. So, we were in Vantaa looking at the Citroën cars, when as we walked to the back lot (which was a joke) and saw this building across the street. I thought it highly amusing. I mean, I guess all the cars were inside the showroom. I am used to auto lots that contain hundreds of cars which one might potentially go home in that day they visit the dealer. This is a totally new concept... that one would go to a dealer talk about the car you want with the specs you want and then order it. One would have to pay the price given, no bargaining and then one would have to wait some time before the auto would arrive in the country. Anyway, it turns out that this company makes ball bearings, ok so the website says 'rolling bearings'. Ball bearings sounds better. So, there you have it. One day soon, I hope to have a new car.
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