Alas, Easter has come and gone and with it my latest birthday. I grew grass, I tried to place little chicks in it, the Finn made me a Betty Crocker cake and I ate all the mämmi I could. I really like that stuff. It reminds me of raisin bran cereal. Last time, we were in California, I made sure to bring back a few boxes of BC cake mix, because I just prefer them to whatever concoctions the Finn was making me before. One can find it in Benford's. However, it is very expensive. We had gone to Chef Wotkin's the previous day to buy entrecote. I was disappointed at the tiny sales area and the price of the meat. It was actually really good steak, though. I noticed that at the newly remodled S-market below Sokos has started selling Chef Wotkins meat. I suppose it is just easier to stop by there rather then going to the factory. The dog and cat were happy the sun was shining and found warm and cozy patches of sunlight to lie in. In the afternoon, we went to take a walk in the forrest near Paloheinä. However, as is our habit, we got lost and ended up parking by the Vantaa river and walking to this farm. It was actually pretty nice, despite the anxiety the dog caused. She just doesn't get Finnish dogs.
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