For the last few days, American actress, Jane Fonda, has been promoting the release of the Finnish version of her new book, "Tähänastinen elämäni". In English it is, "My Life So Far",published April 2005. I saw her at Suomalainen kirjakauppa where she was interviewed by tv show host Bettina Sågbom. She gave really great answers and was very engaging. There was a sizable crowd in a very tight poorly arrainged space. It was really cool to see her.Unfortunately, there were no English versions of her book to be had. So, I didn't get anything autographed. A few people took the promotional posters and there was one left on a wall. However, I didn't have the stomach to peel it off. Besides, for the longest time I was too busy taking photos. Of course, I have known of her all my life. So, I was impressed by her.

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