Well, my friend who is currently living in Spain managed to visit me, but that is a whole other story. As you can see, I finally went cross country skiing. My previous skiing experience was (falling) downhill in Big Bear, California. So, here we are at Paloheinä, taking a turn around field. Actually, we were going to go on the easy quick 3K path. Then things went horrible wrong. Ok that is a bit dramatic. We just went on the wrong trail and were sort of way off track. I think we ended up skiing 6 kilometers. I only fell twice and managed to make it back alive. Since then, we've bought our owns skis and have been skiing almost everday. I have finally learned that I only need a t-shirt and a fleece, and ski pants. So, none of that 5 layers of clothes I wore the first time. I don't even think I need the ski pants, I get so overheated. I don't know how people can wear all those clothes when they ski. I am about to go out in shorts next time.
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