Out out, perkele, spot! Gosh. You see that Merimekko Unikko Orange dinner napkin? Well, I warn you now, never use them to wipe up something from a white refrigerator door. I stupidly did so and now have this bloody yellow spot that refuses to wash off. Any suggestions? I had decided to hang my new Harry Potter calendar up there with one of those suctioning hook things. So, when I moved my catwoman and harlequin magnets, I noticed some smudges which I idiotically wiped away with said napkin. I know what you are thinking, why not hang the calendar on the wall, why put it on the 'fridge. Well, it takes the hammer of Thor to be able to pound something into my concrete walls. Also, nothing sticks to the paint on the walls. To clean the stain, I tried Cif Powercream kitchen and bathroom (with bleach) mixes, lemon juice, vinegar and dishsoap. I guess it has faded but it is still there. At least, it is hidden behind the calendar.

hiya! Stain removal depends on the stain. If it's a grease stain, you could try some baking soda...
Ahaa, I didn't try that one. It seems to be an ink stain from the dye in the napkin. :(
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